
Planning travel

.. can it be a little easier?

Past Work In 2016 Prabhjyot and I had built this tool that we called RouteRush, it’s sole job was to come up with an itinerary. The app was simple enter some amount of money and it would find out where you are and will come up with a trip... [More]

Keeping the Blog alive

.. got to keep posting

Its been a month since the last post. I thought I’ll write something. In the past month I moved into my own place. It’s a nice small room really close to work and have fabulous flat mates. I took part in a hackathon to save wildlife. We built a system... [More]

Buskers in London

.. week 2 cause we count from 0

What have I managed to do in the last week? Got a few pull requests accepted Reviewed someone elses code I’m picking up speed. I’m slowly understanding how the code works and how C++ works. Also, as I continue my work I understand the importance of const.... [More]


.. pardon my absence

It’s been about twenty days since I last wrote a blog post. The practice of writing about 2 blog posts a week sadly ended with the boot-camp. Sidu was right again I guess, being disciplined is hard. Being professional is even tougher. I plan to write a blog every Sunday... [More]

And another weekend goes by

.. from your limited 1500 weekends

This has been a long weekend. 4 days of holidays. The weekend ends tomorrow but it already feels really stretched and wasted. Last Friday we had a talk by the CTO of Go-Jek in the evening. One thing that stuck after the talk You only have 1500 weekends in... [More]