
Running - Wanted to run 150km; and I ran a little over 150km ✅

Weight - I wanted to weigh 66 but I only got to 66.65 ❌

Lifting - I did Stronglifts as often as the app recommended and a trial session at a gym ✅

Reading - I did finish “Forever Wars” ✅

Cold Shower - Had some days of cold showers most days of hot showers ❌

This month

Running - Half a half marathon on the 2nd of April. I want to run 15k every weekend before that. 150km would be great; want to be at 100k+. The last week might not be as active as I would rest for the half marathon.

Weight - I want to weigh 65kg by the end of the month.

Lifting - I’ll do Stronglifts. I have signed up for some trial classes at F45 but now I realize that I’ll be away for a few of those training sessions. I’ll have to make most of the sessions between the 11th of March and the 18th of March.

Reading - I will finish Range by David Esptein.

Cold Shower - I will try to do more cold showers than hot this month. Will keep a log.